
Explore Sowenna in 3D

Your Bedroom

All young people will have a bedroom of their own with an en suite shower room. There is also a bathroom with a bath for young people to use if they prefer.

With the exception of certain restricted items, you may choose what you have in your bedroom as long as you are safe and responsible with these items. Housekeepers will clean your bedroom, but you will be expected to keep your room, clothes, personal items and bed tidy yourself. Staff will be able to help you with this if necessary. You are not allowed to bring your own televisions or computers onto the unit.

There are lockers for each young person to keep belongings in.

Boys and girls are not allowed into each other’s bedrooms but there are lounges and common rooms on the unit where you can meet with others in your free time. You can watch TV, listen to music, read, play computer games, etc.

Carers and family members are also not allowed in the bedroom areas.

At times due to safety issues we may need to move your bedrooms. We will try to inform you of this prior to it happening.

Explore Sowenna bedroom in 3D

Meal Times

Breakfast  8.30-9.00am                       

Lunch  12.15-12.45 pm                        

Evening meal 5.30-6.30pm  

Break Times

Morning Break  11.00-11.15

Afternoon Breaks 12.45-13.15,  14.15-14.30 and 15.30- 15.45.

You will have a choice of meals. If there are any foods that you can’t eat or you need a special diet, the dietician and nursing staff will help to formulate a meal plan with you that as far as possible, will meet your needs.

This information will be put on your admissions file so that all staff are aware.

The unit provides 24-hour access to food and drink. If the kitchen is locked, a member of the nursing team can unlock it for you. On admission it is important that you let staff know if you have any allergies e.g. nuts, penicillin etc. This will be included in your care plan and necessary precautions set in place.

Prohibited Items

We wish to maintain a “Safeward”. The following items are NOT allowed on the Ward at any time.  If you bring any of the items listed below into Sowenna they will be removed from you and returned to you at the end of your stay with us.  In the event that any illegal items are found, these will be handed directly to the police.

This list is not an exhaustive list and other items not listed below may still be restricted depending on circumstances and assessed risk. These are items we do allow on the ward but as they may pose a risk to some people, access may be under supervision or limited times and place of use. Restricted items may be stored separately.

Prohibited items

Knives / pointed sharp objects / razor blades

Plastic Bags

String / Cables / Straps

Hair Dye & Hair Bleaching Products

Matches / Lighters

Modems / Network Cards. Memory Sticks

Blue/White Tack / Chewing Gum/ Sticky Tape

Energy Drinks Containing Caffeine e.g. Red Bull.

Hot Water Bottles.

Herbal Remedies / Green Tea

Alcohol / Illicit Substances/Legal Highs, medication, tablets and herbal remedies

Glue / Paint. (Except in OT supervised)

Lighter Fuel / Turpentine Substitute /

White Spirit / Surgical Spirit / Other solvents/Flammable Substances


Tins / Cans / China /Tobacco Tins

Heavy Jewellery / Tweezers/ Magnets

Pornographic Material

Camera/Video Equipment

E Cigarettes (Electronic Cigarettes)

Heavy Duty/Steel Toe Capped Footwear

Aerosol products

Any type of recoding systems such as video (including Cameras) and audio

Any other items which are judged to compromise the safety of the ward.