Parent/carer liaison

This is a developing component of the care being provided at Sowenna in acknowledging the crucial yet challenging part parents play in the life of any young person encountering a serious mental health difficulty.

Rather than assessment and treatment for a young person at Sowenna being seen in isolation, Sowenna strives to include parents and carers in the care of young people.

Consequently, we now have an expanding provision of staff that includes; Outreach Workers, MAV Leads, dedicated Outreach Nurses and a Family Liaison Nurse to ensure there is support for parents and carers from admission through to discharge.

When a young person is admitted to Sowenna you will be contacted by one of the staff listed above to provide support and explanation at that point and to ensure your questions are answered whilst providing you with the parent and carers information pack.

Part of this pack will be a parent and carers assessment sheet to go through with you in order for us to understand how we can support you the best through this admission and to include you in the care being provided for your young person. This will assist in ensuring regular communication and your collaboration with the Sowenna team whilst directing any more specific support that you identify that would be helpful to you.

Patient/Carer/Guardian admission information pack [pdf] 762KB